Scary Mary

by Biffy Clyro

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 23, 2012, 12:31 a.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Blackened Sky

Song Author

Simon Neil and Martin Scott

Tabbed by

Tom Reed


1st → Vocals - Simon Neil
2nd → Second Guitar - Simon Neil
3rd → Guitar - Simon Neil
4th → Drums - Ben Johnston
5th → Bass - James Johnston

File Size

24 KB




What must I have be-come, To des-erve all the shit that you gave me? The rocks look like a bo-dy in the ri-ver. Now I just wish that I could sleep, To keep me from thin-king, But the thoughts keep me up. It's been two months since you, Taught me not to trust. But you kept your pro-mise. You made patt-erns in my face, You pain-ted pic-tures with my tears. And you did it ag-ain, I knew that you would. Thank you for sho-wing me there's more. Wash off your hands, it's time to let go, Rel-ease them. Give time to your heart, give time to your soul, Rel-ease them all.